Bird Of PreyBoeing recently unveiled the Bird Of Prey, a “top secret, bat-winged stealth jet,” in a low-key ceremony in St. Louis. Apparently Boeing Phantom Works has been developing this aircraft in secret for some time, as it first flew in 1996. There is much speculation over what new stealth technology is incorporated into this aircraft, but its unusual configuration is enough to suggest a different approach or at least one that builds upon the body of knowledge established by the F-117 Stealth Fighter and B-2 Stealth Bomber. There is also speculation over whether the final aircraft is destined to be a UCAV rather than a single-seat manned jet. One thing’s for sure, Boeing kept this aircraft under wraps very well, as Aviation Leak Week or some other publication usually sniffs something like this out, even if the press’ concept is nowhere near what it actually looks like.

Tired of telemarketers bothering you? Then check out this page and download the “sit.wav"  file. If you put this sound at the beginning of your answering machine message, then the predictive dialing software used by the telemarketing industry will mark your phone number as disconnected, taking you off their call list. Another source that I read claimed that only the first tone of the series is necessary, but I’m not sure about that. I plan on trying this as soon as I get home, and although it may confuse legitimate callers leaving messages at first, anything that will reduce the number of intrusive solicitors calling me is well worth it in my opinion.

MAME Rock is a great Shockwave video of “Rock You Like A Hurricane” set to all sorts of arcade game settings and characters, with the venerable Pac-Man starring as lead singer. For those you of that aren’t in the know, MAME is a project ongoing since 1996 that currently emulates over 3000 classic arcade games, allowing you to relive your halcyon days at the mall arcade. Check out the page and download MAME, although I will point out that finding game ROMs, the actual game “programs,” has become increasingly difficult these days.

To honor the addition of czar to the esteemed cast of DrikoLand bloggers, here’s a somewhat dated photo that has all three of us in it. From right to left, that’s me, Shaft, Shaft’s wife Shelley, and czar. We’re sitting inside a C-5 at the Andrews Air Force Base Air Show, an annual tradition for Shaft and me for at least 12 years now. That is, until he broke his streak by moving to Denver and then to California :-|. But he’s come back to his senses and returned to the good old East Coast. Anyway, that was a particularly good year, if I remember correctly. Thankfully Steve drove our asses home, and I survived The Cooler Incident none the worse for wear. And that’s just about all I have to say about that… 🙂

DrikoLand bloggers at Andrews AFB

Do you remember the Frogger, Donkey Kong, and Q-Bert cartoons? I sure do! They were all part of the Saturday Supercade, second only to the Superfriends as my favorite Saturday morning cartoons.

Kickball is back, for those of us who refuse to let go of our childhood. Baby bouncies are ok, no stealing, no leading.