The U.S. Army unveiled the “SmarTruck II,” a protoype vehicle with lots of technological bells and whistles, at the Detroit Auto Show. It really reminded me of something…
Oh yeah, I think I saw one of these while stuck in traffic last weekend. Oh wait, I’m wrong. That was some asshole in a Hummer H2 passing everybody on the right shoulder in the snow. I just have to vent, because the snow this weekend, while beautiful in the way it transformed the landscape, caused all kinds of problems on the roads. There was an eight-car pileup on Route 70 because people in Maryland panic at the first sight of a snowflake, much less a pretty good snowfall. It didn’t take much to cause fender benders all over the area when people on the roads were too oblivious to change the way they drive in the snow. “Uh oh, I’m on a bridge and am sliding a little on the ice. What should I do? I think I’ll slam on my brakes and turn the wheel. Hey, where’d that guard rail come from? Why are all of those cars coming at me all of a sudden? Hey, there’s the other guard rail!” DUH!
I was just too stupid to listen to local traffic reports and got stuck for an hour in that mess. Which is when I saw the asshole somehow decide that he was entitled to make use of the right shoulder AND push his way across three lanes of traffic AND illegally turnaround in the median strip. Did I mention the word “asshole” enough yet? So much for making a family-safe blog…