In case you hadn’t heard, several music companies recently made a settlement in response to a class-action suit alleging price-fixing of music. If you bought any “prerecorded Music Products, consisting of compact discs, cassettes and vinyl albums, from one or more retailers during the period January 1, 1995, through December 22, 2000” then you are eligible to receive from $5 to $20, depending on the amount of people who file claims. Initially I was a little skeptical about this, but after reading this story on telling of the surprising lack of respondents I decided to file a claim. If you haven’t done so already, file your claim; you have until March 2nd. The only problem with publicizing this too well is that if enough people respond to drive the settlement per person below $5, all of the money goes to charity. This sounds a little too convenient, although I’ll hold out my hopes for now.