How much does the RIAA respect YOU?

Well the RIAA is at it again. Their new idea is to charge the ISPs a fee to cover the loss of revenue from filesharing. So what this RIAA spokesperson is trying to tell us is that EVERYONE who uses an ISP should pay the extra cost (that the ISP would undoubtedly pass on to consumers) in order to make up for a predicted 6% drop in worldwide CD sales in 2003. They claim that the drop is from filesharing with no mention of the FREAKING RECESSION. It seems that they can not stop individual users from filesharing so they will just destroy the medium (Internet) that allows them to do it. I am almost too mad after reading this article to type. I am really afraid that when Bush and Ashcroft get done with this situation we will be paying $30 for a CD that can only be played in a Sony brand CD player for 14 minutes, and will then melt. Welcome to Bush’s corporate America. I find the last quote from the article especially hypocritical. “It’s clear to me these companies are profiting to the tune of millions and millions of dollars. They must be held accountable,” Rosen said. What an f’ing arrogant, out of touch, human (I really wanted to use another word here).

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