Slightly Oranger Terror Threat Alert To Be Added

Because apparently in this time of multiple international crises the federal government has nothing better to do, “U.S. government officials are discussing the current five-color terror threat alert system to determine whether… a slightly higher warning level [should] be added within orange if the U.S. begins military action against Iraq.” I so want to make fun of this mercilessly, but it’s really a sad indication of bureaucracy gone awry. Even a little change to this system means millions of dollars in publication, administration, and other associated costs. And as if that isn’t enough of a waste, precious time and resources are being diverted to work on an endeavour that will ultimately mean little to the average citizen, and more than likely will confuse people on what is already (justly) perceived as a capricious and arbitrary system.

Update: After consulting my box of Crayola Crayons (as I know W and Tom Ridge must do during their play dates high-level meetings), perhaps “Macaroni and Cheese” and “Atomic Tangerine” are appropriate replacements for the boring “Orange” level. See, I couldn’t resist making fun of this mercilessly 😉

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