Curtain Call for the Tomcat?

I know we have some F-14 fans here, so hopefully this article will be interesting. It’s mostly about the maintenance required to keep them flying, but it’s properly respectful of the mighty bird. Includes a few more pix for the collectors, too.

Color of the Day (CotD)

Shelley gave me an idea for a creative outlet – naming a Color of the Day. It could be based on the day’s events, general moods, or whatever. This will be an experiment – I hope to get suggestions and comments about it. Today’s color is Sandstorm. You may have seen the reports of the sandstorm in the Iraqi desert. (A sign from God?) Also, I woke up today to the sounds of a county truck driving up and down the street trying to clean the curbs with one of those leaf vacuum trailers, but it was too weak to clean up most of the sand from the snowstorms. Instead, it just blew a huge cloud of dust out the top of the truck. Our tax dollars at work – building a stronger, dustier community one street at a time.

Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Friends is a series of Itchy and Scratchy-esque cartoons starring a gaggle of cute, cuddly, animals in situations gone horribly awry. Funny in a grisly, macabre kind of way, like Itchy and Scratchy taken a little further…

Google Rules

Fast Company has a very thorough, informative article on Google, going into the company’s outlook and philosophies as well as the wide-ranging influence the search engine has had on people’s Internet experience. A Google IPO has been rumored for some time now and is highly anticipated by investors. I’m generally hesitant to go into the stock market, especially with Internet company stocks, but I will strongly consider buying Google stock if and when it is available.

poo X

Word Spy is a fun site tracking “recently coined words and phrases, old words that are being used in new ways, and existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance. These aren’t ‘stunt words’ or ‘sniglets,’ but new words and phrases that have appeared in newspapers, magazines, books, press releases, and Web sites.” Anyway, among the recent entries is “poo X,” referring to the newly fashionable practice of breeding poodles with other breeds of dogs. This results in horrible names like “Schnoodles, Labradoodles, goldenpoos, peke-a-poos, Jack-a-poos and Scoodles,” and some weird-looking dogs, I’m sure. Those dogs are so going to get beat up…

“Bretzels For Bush”

Last week I mentioned the backlash towards France’s unwillingness to back any resolution authorizing force against Iraq, resulting in the lame renaming of French Fries to “Freedom Fries” at restaurants around the nation. Well, the French have retaliated in this food fight, starting a website selling pretzels “for seven euros ($7.56) each, with one euro going to a children’s charity…before being sent to the White House in a historic mass action.” Although my natural tendency is to ridicule the French because they usually deserve it for one reason or another, I definitely give them credit for making fun of W in such a clever fashion. Now stop being such assholes!