Fool Me Once…

I guess this is rather old news, but it’s still funny. (get it, rather, Dan Rather? Never mind…) Apparently, Dan Rather has developed a reputation for “jumping the gun” when it comes to possible scoops on developing news stories, sometimes reporting on things that are spurious or not established as fact. I had heard about the incident where a Howard Stern listener crank-called Rather that he had found JFK Jr.’s wrecked plane. Well, it seems that Dan has been taken again, this time when a Howard Stern fan called in to say that he found a piece of the Columbia Shuttle wreckage:

My name’s Mike. I’m in Euless, Texas, and a little over an hour ago I heard a loud explosion and a big piece of what appeared to be metal landed on my property. It’s lying there now and there are a lot of people here, obviously, looking at it….And they believe that it’s one of Baba Booey’s teeth.

Apparently, the first crank-call was spotted by producers and quickly cut off, but apparently this time Dan Rather forged ahead, blissfully ignorant of the situation and his producers’ attempts to avoid further embarrassment:

[Rather:] Hold on just one moment while I keep you, Mike. A lot of people don’t know where Euless, Texas is. From Dallas you’re in what direction and where?…

[crank caller:] You’re a real idiot, you know that?

Well, there you have it. Dan Rather, always ready to take a hit in the name of consoling the nation during a time of tragedy. What a national treasure…

The Goonies ‘r’ Good Enough!

Do you remember Cyndi Lauper’s awesome video for “The Goonies ‘r’ Good Enough,” the theme song to The Goonies? Not only is it a fun song, but it also features wrestling icons like Captain Lou Albano, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Andre The Giant, the Iron Sheik, and Nikolai Volkov! Not that I watched that back then or anything. 😉 Check out I-Mockery’s two-part review of the video, including lots of pictures, audio of the song, and even ROMS for the Nintendo Goonies game. Better yet, buy the DVD, which is packed with lots of extras, including the video. Check out Steven Spielberg’s awesome ’80s mullet in the video! 🙂

Museum Of The Moving Image

From the camera obscura to the zoetrope to modern cinema, the Museum Of The Moving Image explores “both the introduction of motion picture films, and the optical devices used for entertainment and instruction before the introduction of cinema.” The site is very informative and has a lot of graphics and videos to accompany its “tour.”