BBSpot presents the Top 11 Yo Momma Insults for Coders:
11. Yo momma’s so crazy, she makes pi look rational.
10. Yo momma’s so annoying, she made Clippy try to turn itself off.
9. Yo momma’s so fat, she has to share resources with herself.
8. Yo momma’s so insecure, she makes an unpatched copy of Microsoft IIS look like Fort Knox.
7. Yo momma’s so stupid, she leaves possible buffer overruns in a “Hello World” application.
6. Yo momma’s so boring, she makes debugging Prolog seem fun.
5. Yo momma’s so fat, she uses FAT256.
4. Yo momma’s code is so bloated, she makes assembly look like C.
3. Yo momma’s so fat, she uses C++++.
2. Yo momma’s so flea-ridden, she has more bugs than Tribes 2.
1. Yo momma’s so ugly, she makes custom regex engines in perl look beautiful.
I feel grateful that a couple of these are over my head… 😉