In perhaps the most high profiled “tell-all” from one of Dubya’s former aides, The Washington Post is reporting on details of a new book by Richard A. Clarke. Clarke was Bush’s counterterrorism coordinator and tells tales of Dubya’s Iraq paranoia preceding and in the wake of 9/11/2001. Clarke is a long time White House fixture and served as a senior aide for more than 10 years under Bush 41 and Clinton as well. The Washington Post takes great pains to say that they have corroborated one of the more damning stories of Dubya’s obsession. I can’t really do justice to this information so please take a look at the link. The Washington Post has really done their homework this time and I hope I hope the fake news outlets give this story the same gusto.
-ABB 2004
Follow-up [by driko]: I came upon an interesting link today that serves as a pretty good follow-up to Shaft’s post. Congressman Henry Waxman had a report drafted entitled “Iraq On The Record: The Bush Administration’s Public Statements On Iraq” (Adobe Acrobat .pdf link) that is “a comprehensive examination of the statements made by the five Administration officials most responsible for providing public information and shaping public opinion on Iraq,” basically resulting in a database of “misleading” statements the administration has made about Iraq. It’s definitely very one-sided, but the report leaves little doubt as to the misguided agenda W has been pursuing since 9/11.