Reuters and Slashdot report that Micro$oft is planning to sell its own anti-virus software, competing with the established likes of Symantec and Network Associates (McAfee). Thankfully, they are not planning to bundle it with their operating systems, although that would probably cause anti-trust problems anyway. Still, I think that this could end up being a very bad thing. Given Micro$oft’s spotty (at best) track record of keeping up with security issues, coupled with the fact that any M$ software will be an instant target for hackers, this new product may well serve as a single point of failure rather than a reliable form of protection. Additionally, it will more than likely be sold at a loss in order to gain initial market share (as was done with the XBox), undercutting established vendors that will more than likely offer a better product anyway. Of course, I’m just a little biased… :-p
“Oh my God! There’s an axe in my head!”
Visit “The Web’s #1 Axe In My Head Page” for over 100 translations of the phrase “Oh my God! There’s an axe in my head!”
Pause Online Music Videos
Check out an amazing collection of QuickTime music videos at pause online, where you can view a great collection organized by theme and director (Flash required). The Spike Jonze videos alone are worth the visit (I love Christopher Walken in Fatboy Slim’s “Weapon Of Choice”).
The Webshite makes the argument that Nickelback songs are a little too similar, using “How You Remind Me” and “Someday” as examples by playing them both at the same time. For those two songs at least, I must admit that they have a point…
Yetisports 5
Yetisports 5: Flamingo Drive is the latest installment of the continuing series of games with our Yeti and penguin friends. Enjoy!
DrikoLand Shortcut Icon
So I finally got around to working on a shortcut icon (the small icon that appears next to a page’s URL in the browser’s address bar) after I found this great site that converts images into favicon.ico format. Can anyone even tell what my icon is supposed to be? The size and resolution constraints (16x16x16 colors) are pretty bad, so it may be back to the drawing board…
Google Doodles
Meet Dennis Hwang, the Google employee who draws all of the unique “holiday” Google logos. I especially like the most recent logo commemorating the transit of Venus last week…
Baking Pizza For Kim Jong-il
I came upon a series of articles in the Asia Times that chronicle an Italian chef’s stay in North Korea after being invited to teach the art of pizza baking. The article brings to light the anachronisms and underlying paranoia of the country and serves to highlight the plight of the millions of people languishing under Kim Jong-il’s autocratic rule. I highly recommend reading these articles; here are links to Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Battlefront looks like an awesome game. Check out the E3 2004 trailer, the PC Games preview, and the official LucasArts page. I haven’t bought any new games in quite some time, but if this is as good as everybody seems to think, then I’m all over it when it comes out in September.
Shirt-Folding Revolution
Leave it to the Japanese to come up with a “revolutionary way to fold your shirts” (make sure and download the video). I still can’t get it right, but apparently it really does work…