Although “Weird Al” Yankovic is rightly associated with parody songs, not every parody song out there can be blamed on attributed to him. Someone has tried to address this and created The Not Al Page:
In a possibly vain attempt to restore some bit of honour to his name, I have compiled a list of songs that appear in MP3 format on the internet that Weird Al Yankovic has never performed yet bear his name. If you ever happen to make it to this page, do the community a huge favour and go through your MP3 list (or any other kind of music list, for that matter) looking for filenames that associate Weird Al and any of the song titles below. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.
Although the list was fairly comprehensive, I did see that one parody song was missing: “Rock The Catbox.” I’ve been trying to track this one down for a long time, and all I know is that it’s not a “Weird Al” song… 😉