Jay Pinkerton presents the real origin of Superman. Pretty funny….
Death Star In Legos
Check out this awesome Lego model of the Death Star II, available this September. I’d love to get it, but it’s way expensive ($299!)…
“Wedgie” Added to Webster’s Dictionary
Yahoo reports that the word “wedgie” was added to Webster’s New World College Dictionary. No word on whether the dreaded “rear admiral” was added as well… 😉
Wing Commander – Privateer Remake
I’m anxious to try out Wing Commander – Privateer Remake, a collaborative effort to update the original game. Version 1.0 is available for download here…
Poyarkov’s Map Of Ukraine
The Map Room has a great post that links to an unusual map of Ukraine (770kb JPG) by Ukrainian surrealist Sergey Poyarkov. I love the map; his web site has some cool stuff too. Too bad part of the site is in Russian and not Ukrainian (the map is in Ukrainian)… 🙁
Napoleon Dynamite vs. Fender
FOX is trying to cross-market the movies Napoleon Dynamite and Robots with the website Napoleon Dynamite vs. Fender, in which you watch two video clips and vote for who has the better dancing skills. Napoleon wins it in my book, hands down. 😉
The World Islands
The Palm Islands off the coast of Dubai already have the distinction of being the “largest man-made offshore islands.” That effort may pale in comparison to the next project being undertaken in the waters off Dubai: The World Islands are planned to be an archipelago of 250 to 300 small private artifical islands ranging in size from 250,000 to 900,000 square feet with 50 to 100 metres of water between each island. Pretty impressive…
Ultimate Shredders
Now these are some shredders. Be sure and watch the movies…
Droogle is “a site dedicated to helping you make the most out of your alcoholic ingredients at home.” You can search by title or ingredients, and the “Liquor Cabinet” lets you interactively search through ingredients to customize a search. Pretty cool…
How Many Names Hath God?
Blasphemous though it might be, The Morning News’ story How Many Names Hath God? is pretty funny. Here’s one:
The archangel Gabriel was summoned by the will of God. Gabriel bowed his head and replied, “How may I serve you, Jimmy? I mean, Lord?” Thus followed the awkwardest silence in the history of heaven.