Chaos Theory

The Flash game Chaos Theory has a simple premise: “use the left mouse button to set off an explosion and create a chain reaction.” It’s more difficult than it sounds, and fiendishly addictive as well. My best score so far is 122… ;-p

Google Earth Hacks

googleGoogle Earth Hacks abounds with add-ons and tutorials for Google Earth, the amazing free application that Google released last week. The downloads forum has sections devoted to: individual 3D models like Stonehenge and the Golden Gate Bridge, for example; sightseeing locations; weather and traffic overlays; a newly-created section on current events; and more. Very cool…

I also found another fun hack at Lifehacker that allows you to display the 50 closest Flickr photos near a place you’re viewing using Google Earth:

  1. In Google Earth, right-click on the “My Places” icon in Places.
  2. Select “New” and “Network Link”
  3. Enter a title (i.e. Flickr) and for the Location enter
  4. IMPORTANT: Change the View-Based Refresh to “After Camera Stops”

I love this stuff…