At a recent Microsoft Conference (PDC 2005), a hilarious video of Bill Gates and Napoleon Dynamite was shown. The video capture is pretty crappy, but it’s worth it…
5th Grade Devo
“Fifth grade students at Hawley Elementary School in Minnesota made this wonderfully fun video of the Devo classic Whip It.”
Adult Swim Frogger is kind enough to host the hilarious video Adult Swim Frogger (direct link to Windows Media Video).
Katrina: The Gathering
I’m probably going to Hell for posting this, but here goes. Katrina: The Gathering is a surprisingly thorough satire of the card game Magic: The Gathering:
This is the combined effort of Ubiq and myself to use our mighty ubergeek powers to laugh in the face of that which cannot be explained. No offense is intended, unless offended is a Bureaucrat or Politician creature.
“Cool” Animals
Viceland has an interesting Guide To Cool Animals. I’m glad to see that Poochie, the ultimate parody of the “cool” animal stereotype, was not excluded…
W Asks Condi For Potty Break
Yesterday Reuters and Yahoo News both posted the above photo:
U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14, 2005.
Still skeptical about its veracity, I consulted Although it lists an “undetermined” status, it did so begrudgingly:
We don’t doubt the authenticity of the photograph, as Rick Wilking is an established photographer with 12 years’ experience shooting news photos in Washington (including various White House assignments) who recently covered the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans (leaving that city only, according to Editor & Publisher, “after his laptop and two cameras were stolen from his car parked near the convention center”). As well, Reuters carried other pictures of the same scene from the United Nations, including one that appears to have captured the back of President Bush’s head. We’ve left this as “undetermined” for now to allow for the possibility that the President was merely responding to or adding comments to a note written by someone else.
By the way, my earlier post title was “W Has To Make A #1,” but it was pointed out to me that I have no way of knowing whether a #1 or a #2 was necessary, or whether perhaps something more catastrophic like a shart precipitated the request.
OK, fine, so this entire post was made just so that I could use the word “shart.” Happy? ;-p
Update: Reuters confirms the authenticity of the photo:
[Gary] Hershorn, Reuters’ news editor for pictures for the Americas, says he’s responsible for zooming in on the note and deciding to transmit the photo to Reuters clients. He says Wilking didn’t know what the note said when he shot the picture.
Woo hoo!
The Prescient Onion
Last year, The Onion ran a pretty funny satirical story about razors entitled “Fuck Everything, We’re Doing Five Blades.”
Guess what Gillette just came up with?
Headline Of The Day
CNN reports: Inventor fuels car with dead cats. I can’t make this stuff up…
Update: Guess I jumped the gun on this one. The story now reads “Inventor denies dead cat fuel story.” Go figure…
SNL Celebrity Jeopardy Videos
SmitHappens has made the entire collection of all 13 “Celebrity Jeopardy” episodes on Saturday Night Live available for viewing/download. Too funny…
The Big Chill In 30 Seconds
Angry Alien’s latest offering is The Big Chill in 30 Seconds (and reenacted with bunnies). I think some of the other ones are funnier, but this one is still worth checking out.