“Dr. Thomas Schneider recently published the paper "Origin of the Novel Species Noodleous doubleous: Evidence for Intelligent Design”, in which he comes to a surprising conclusion:
Penne Rigate will spontaneously insert itself into Rigatoni (order pasta) under liquid to gas transition conditions of H2O to create the previously unobserved species Noodleous doubleous. The estimated probability of this spontaneous generation event is too low to be explained by thermodynamics and therefore apparently represents intelligent design.
Although the statistical results contained in his report seemingly present incontrovertible evidence in support of “Intelligent Design,” Dr. Schneider concludes his work with another startling theory:
A viable hypothesis is that a divine Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was responsible for the effect. These results are therefore strong empirical in support of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.
Zounds! In light of the recent archaeological find below, it seems as if Pastafarianism is quickly gaining the scientific support that “Intelligent Design” so sorely lacks. Ramen.