New Lemur Species Named After John Cleese

In honor of the “promotion of the plight of lemurs in the movie Fierce Creatures and documentary Operation Lemur with John Cleese,” a new species of lemur has been named after John Cleese:

The avahi cleesei, which weighs less than two pounds and eats leaves, was discovered in Western Madagascar in 1990 by a team led by anthropologist Urs Thalmann and his colleague Thomas Geissman of Zurich University.

The lemur’s long legs are the only physical attribute it shares with Cleese, Thalmann told New Scientist magazine. “Woolly lemurs can’t really walk — but they do enjoy silly jumps,” he said.

Hopefully you all got the Silly Walks reference… 😉

Effectiveness Of “Tin-Foil Hat” Use Analyzed

The paper On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets:
An Empirical Study
comes to the surprising conclusion that “Tin-Foil Hats” or “Aluminum Helmets” are not nearly as effective as has been assumed:

Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government’s invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason.

No way…

W Breaks A Record

The “Blue Dog Coalition” made a press release claiming that W’s administration has “borrowed more money from foreign governments and banks than the previous 42 U.S. presidents combined.”

Throughout the first 224 years (1776-2000) of our nation’s history, 42 U.S. presidents borrowed a combined $1.01 trillion from foreign governments and financial institutions according to the U.S. Treasury Department. In the past four years alone (2001-2005), the Bush Administration has borrowed a staggering $1.05 trillion.

As The J-Walk Blog notes, at least [W will] be remembered for something.“ If only it was just this…

Kazakhstan Threatens “Borat” With Legal Action

Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry threatened legal action on Monday against comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, who wins laughs by portraying the central Asian state as a country populated by drunks who enjoy cow-punching as a sport.” Baron Cohen’s character “Borat” is one of the many hilarious personages in Da Ali G Show, and frankly I’m surprised that he’s gotten away with as much as he has. Still, if you ever have the opportunity to catch the show on HBO, you should definitely take it.

Watching All Six Star Wars Movies Simultaneously

All Six Star Wars Movies
A “ridiculously obsessed Star Wars fan” took it upon himself to rip all six Star Wars movies from DVD and overlay them into a grid together, the results of which are presented on the site Watching all six Star Wars movies simultaneously.

They’re my favorite movies, all six of them, including the special editions, and I don’t care what you think. No, I wasn’t looking for any amazing insight, I know it’s all coincidences, and some of them are kind of uninteresting coincidences, it’s just fun,and (apparently) it’s making me popular. People have been doing this with The Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon for a long time.

Just go look…