Looks like Cartman was spotted in Iraq…
Star Wars TV Series Details
The BBC has an informative article with details on the upcoming Star Wars TV series, revealing that it takes place in the twenty years between episodes three and four and “will run to at least 100 episodes.” I think the success of this series will hinge on whether George Lucas decides to get involved or not. And I’m only half-kidding. ;-p
Walker, Brokeback Ranger
I know, I know; another Brokeback Mountain mashup?! Sorry, I just found this one too funny to resist The YouTube video Walker, Brokeback Ranger is a mash-up of Brokeback Mountain with Chuck Norris Facts. Too funny…
Free Lens Hoods
Print your own lens hoods! If you own an SLR and don’t have lens hoods for your lenses, they are definitely worth it to cut down on lens flare in certain situations. However, they can be surprisingly expensive. These cardboard versions are obviously not as sturdy as the real thing, but as the site points out, you can always print out another ;-). Most lens manufacturers are covered (no Minolta for you yet, shaft) with a surprising selection of lenses available.
SpokePOV Pac-Man
The animated image above is seen on bicycle wheels via the phenomenon known as persistence of vision, which creates an illusion of motion when a series of images are displayed in quick succession. The Instructables post SpokePOV: LED Bike Wheel Images includes detailed step-by-step instructions on how to build your own POV rig on a bicycle.
Fat Albert Reimagined
SACKS10 held a contest in which artists submitted their interpretations of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. Most of the entries were very cool, and the one above is one of my favorites (although not the winner)…
Trek Passions
Trek Passions is:
A 100% free online community and SciFi personals site for science fiction lovers, including but not limited to lovers of Star Trek and Star Wars. Find others who share your passion for Sci Fi. Meet people who read Isaac Asimov, Ben Bova, Robert A. Heinlein, Douglas Adams, Arthur C. Clarke & more. Grok!? Whether you are just looking for like-minded friends, or maybe more, Trek Passions is here for you.
Not sure what to make of this, but I am not in the mood to explore too deeply right now…
Celine Dion Does Madonna
This video of Celine Dion impersonating Madonna is only slightly less disturbing than my previous post in which she impersonated Michael Jackson. View at your own risk…
The New New Gore
Check out the American Prospect Online article The New New Gore:
Five years ago, Al Gore was the much-mocked pol who blew a gimme with his stiff demeanor and know-it-all style. Today? C’mon, admit it: You like him again.
The article examines what Al Gore has been up to for the past couple of years. You might be surprised…