Back From Vacation

Space Needle at Night with Ferris Wheel
With the frequency of posts lately, I’m sure you didn’t even notice that I was gone, but yes, we took a week-long vacation to Seattle and Vancouver last week. The main reason for the trip was to see The Police in Vancouver for their reunion tour. Planning a couple of days in Seattle to hang out and visit our friends Toby and Miryam was a natural accompaniment to the concert, so we split our time among the two cities.

The concert was awesome! Although drummer Stewart Copeland was apparently unhappy with their performance, I didn’t notice, and hearing them play all of their old hits live for the first time was an amazing experience. More on that later.

I’ve started working on pictures from the trip, and the one above is one of my favorites. You can see more at my DrikoLand Gallery or at my flickr set. Keep an eye on both of those locations as I get through more of my pictures if I’ve piqued your interest… 😉

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