After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows what a library is.
Sir Patrick Stewart!
UPI reports that Patrick Stewart was knighted Wednesday by the Queen of England at London’s Buckingham Palace. Very cool news…
A Proposal To Go Where No NASA Logo Has Gone Before
A Proposal To Go Where No NASA Logo Has Gone Before
BaseNow has an interesting, in-depth proposal for a redesign of NASA’s logo.
If you could redesign any brand, which would it be? This was the question asked us recently by Viewpoint magazine, The Future Laboratory’s bi-annual magazine about trends, brands, futures, and market strategies. Hmmm, we thought. What company or organization is doing super-cool, interesting, worthwhile things, and is completely undersold by its logo or brand? Within minutes we were in unanimous agreement on our subject for this project: NASA.
Google to employees: ‘Mac or Linux, but no more Windows’
Google to employees: ‘Mac or Linux, but no more Windows’
“‘Getting a new Windows machine now requires CIO approval,’” according to one anonymous Googler quoted by the [Financial Times].“ I don’t see this ending well…