Rob Lind’s photo Take me to the moon and back is one of the most amazing aviation photos I’ve ever seen.  It is not Photoshopped, but is apparently the result of years of effort:

Have been after this shot for years but getting all the picture elements in place hasn’t been easy! First I needed the moon close to full, second I needed it at sunset to have enough light to have a fast shutter speed to freeze the plane. Third I needed an airliner right on cue with a good contrail behind it that just happens to hit the moon dead centre and be far enough away to be in focus with the moon (I don’t ask for much!). Third I need the right set up with was a Canon 600mm F4 lens with 1.4x teleconverter attached to a Canon 40D with the whole setup on a Gitzo 1348 carbon tripod with wimberley gimbal head. Lastly trying not to get a shaky hand with the excitment of seeing that airline streaking across the moon! I’ve posted it at full resolution and it really is worth looking at the full size image and taking it all in!
Filmed on 17th Feb 2008 at Dinton Pastures, UK. 1/1000 sec, F8 at ISO 800.

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