Although Facebook has been a great way to find and keep in touch with friends and family, I have to agree with much of what Jason Scott has to say in his scathing article on the web site:
But the fact that anyone would put anything of any unique nature on there, that matters to them, is beyond insanity – it’s identity suicide. It’s like you are intentionally driving down the road of life, ripping pages of your journal and photo albums, and tossing them out the window. Good luck finding anything again. Good luck knowing in six months, a year, something will even be findable. Try and communicate with anyone using their designed-by-a-second-trimester-fetus “message” system with any of the features from the last 30 years. Go back and try and negotiate it for search and topic control and usefulness. No. Not happening. Everything on Facebook is Now. Nothing, and I mean nothing on Facebook is Then. Or even last month.
Definitely worth a read even if it borders on a manic screed, as IMHO Jason Scott is an Interwebs hero that among other things spearheaded the archiving of the now-dead GeoCities…