W’s Best Moment In Office?

W has been in office for five long, torturous years. What do you think the best moment of W’s tenure has been so far? Here’s W’s answer:

“You know, I’ve experienced many great moments, and it’s hard to name the best,” Bush told weekly Bild am Sonntag when asked about his high point since becoming president in January 2001.

“I would say the best moment of all was when I caught a 7.5-pound perch in my lake,” he told the newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Bush said the worst moment was Sept. 11, 2001, when hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

As mind-numbingly idiotic as that answer is, I think that one of the somewhat tongue-in-cheek poll responses at the end of the article might just say it all: “Yes, everything else he’s done pales in comparison.”

Oh, and it’s good to see that he didn’t forget to include “9/11” in there. Moron.

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