National Park Service Approves Creationist Publication

According to this story in Harper’s Magazine, the National Park Service (NPS) “approved the book [Grand Canyon: a Different View], which presents a creationist view of the formation of the Grand Canyon, for sale in park bookstores and gift shops.” The NPS should not be tacitly ensorsing publications that cite the Bible in explaining the formation of the Grand Canyon! Read the excerpts for yourself; this passage in particular makes me cringe every time I read it:

Fossils tell a story, but the story we “read” depends on the “glasses” we are wearing when we do the examination. If we wear our evolutionary glasses, we will get one story. But if we have on our biblical glasses, which allow us to see biblical truth, we will get a very different story.

It doesn’t get any better from there. Go ahead and peddle your pseudo-science if you want, but don’t expect public funds to support your religious crusade. And don’t even get me started about the “three bronze plaques bearing biblical verses [that] were reinstated to public viewing areas on the Canyon’s South Rim, despite advice from the Interior Department that such religious displays violate the First Amendment.” Religion is a private thing that should not be imposed on anyone, and these actions by a government agency boggle my mind…

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