White House Doyenne 1, W 0

White House correspondent Helen Thomas received her first presidential snub in six administrations during a recent press conference, being relegated to the third row and and not getting any questions for the first time in any correspondents’ memories. Still, you have to admire her for staying true to herself. The Washington Times speculates that Thomas was snubbed because she “has in recent months harangued Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer, asking how President Bush can slaughter innocent Iraqis in a quest for oil.” She has also been quoted as saying, “This is the worst president ever…He is the worst president in all of American history.” Well, I can’t say I disagree with her, and Ari Fleischer is a pompous, smug little prick who deserved it when the press corps recently laughed him out of the room. (links to RealVideo; skip ahead to about 29 minutes)

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