Will he finally make it? Millionaire Steve Fossett is in the homestretch of his solo balloon quest, 85% of the way there. There, now I’ve jinxed him.
Fortune Magazine has a very informative but slightly scary article about the consequences of an attack on Saddam Hussein and Iraq. As far as I’m concerned, this would all be a moot point if they had done it right back in 1991.
Arthur “Spud” Melin, the co-founder of Wham-O in 1948, died yesterday at the age of 77. Among other things, his company was responsible for the Frisbee (woo hoo!) and the Hula Hoop. I still have Frisbee dreams every now and then, and miss being in shape enough to play Ultimate. They turned the Ultimate field we used to play in into a playground, dammit…
As one page quoted, “You sank my productivity!” Battleships is online and is quite addictive.
Here’s a history of Mountain Dew, my caffeine beverage of choice in the morning. I like one of the original slogans, “It’ll Tickle Yore Innards!”
Take a look at this cool picture of the space shuttle Endeavour being transported aboard its modified Boeing 747as it takes off from Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert en route to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Take the Political Compass quiz to see where you stand. Apparently I lean towards the “Libertarian Left” (as opposed to the “Authoritarian Right”). I suppose that’s not too far off; I usually consider myself pretty moderate, but a lot of the questions in this quiz dealt more with sociological than geopolitical issues. Those issues would’ve brought me more into the right, I think.
Britain’s Oddsocks Production has substituted “bellringer” for “hunchback” in its production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” because it “did not want to upset people with scoliosis.” This is another example of PC going way overboard. To paraphrase another person’s comment on another site, “What’s next, Moby Richard?”
Some guy has modified his microwave to melt and cast “bronze, silver, gold, and even cast iron.” OK, I know that the Hacker Spirit is to play with things to make them do a lot more than they were intended to, but this is going a bit far.