Janet Reno is planning a dance party. No, really, she is.
Most of the East Coast knows about the wildfires in Canada, as smoke drifted south and blanketed many cities in haze over the weekend. SatireWire reports turmoil in the Canadian military after the botched timing of its invasion of the U.S., or Detroit at least.
The Washington Post has a nice article on fireflies now that summer is upon us. Did you know that you’re not supposed to poke holes in the jar you catch them in? Apparently there is enough air in the jar to keep them alive, and poking holes could actually harm them, since it dries them out sooner. Who knew?
According to The Sporting News, Yankees’ owner George Steinbrenner has gone from being the “fat guy who refused to leave the buffet line” to “[the guy that] hauled off the remaining food so no one else could eat.” With all of his recent trades and acquisitions, he seems more than willing to buy another winning team, highlighting the disparity between the payrolls of other teams and the Yankees. From the same article, “A strike looks inevitable, maybe even necessary, to trigger reform.” I agree, and this time the fans might not come back. Attendence numbers never even recovered from the 1994 strike, despite the heroic example of Cal Ripken that caused a minor resurgence in attendence.
EBay to Buy PayPal in $1.5 Billion Stock Deal. This is a pretty big deal! It has the potential to greatly simplify transactions on ebay, but by eliminating the “competition” it may force sellers to use services and/or features they don’t really want, as ebay tried to do with its recent “checkout” system. Let’s hope they do this right…
OK, since I can’t seem to edit or delete the phantom post below ( d’oh!), I’ll try again.
The humorous e-mail attachment of the day is: Redneck Car Alarm.
I so hoped that this was just a bad rumor when I read it earlier this morning, but it seems to be true. The body of late baseball legend Ted Williams is apparently in a cryonic warehouse in Arizona at the request of his son. This is just horrible. As a Boston Globe columnist says, “There are only two ways to think of this: Best case – The son is in denial and thinks he can bring his father back to life. Worst case – John Henry hopes to profit from prospective cloning or DNA distribution.” In either case, Ted Williams’ son needs to rethink his actions and honor his father with a proper memorial and burial.
Once again, Estonians have won the world wife-carrying title. No, I did not make this up.
FordPinto.com shows that there are actually people that like their Ford Pintos. Who knew? Maybe we should get them all together to drive in reverse into Iraq as the vanguard of our “secret” invasion.