Dale Earnhardt reincarnated as a goat?Rednecks NASCAR fans everywhere are flocking to see a brown Nubian goat born with a white number three birthmark. The owners have named the goat Lil’ Dale (after the late NASCAR driver Dale Earnhardt, if you are thankfully ignorant of the phenomena). Personally I’m getting tired of seeing “#3’s doing donuts in heaven” bumper stickers around here. I’m sure we’ll be seeing this damn goat doing Taco Bell commercials before long…

LiquidMetal Technologies has perfected the manufacture of a new metal alloy over twice as strong titanium or steel. Because of its unique properties, the metal can be formed into shapes in a similar way that plastics are, allowing for much easier fabrication compared to most metals. Initial applications are decidedly uninspired golf clubs and cell phone covers, but the implications for the alloy could be widespread once costs come down.

According to the WWF, the “Earth’s population will be forced to colonise two planets within 50 years if natural resources continue to be exploited at the current rate.” This isn’t exactly shocking news, although perhaps the time frame is a bit sooner than most people imagined. The US is cited as one of the worst culprits of overconsumption and pollution; do you think maybe W will listen to this or will he weasel his way out of dealing with environmental issues once again?

Write Like An Egyptian will write your name in Egyptian hieroglyphics as well as lead you to a site with loads of information on the ancient writing system.

Civ3Civilization III is one of my favorite games ever; it’s extremely addictive and can waste surprising amounts of time. Still, I’ve found a site that shows that I am nowhere near as obsessed as some people. The Civilization Fanatics’ Center is a great resource for the game, but they have also undertaken a “Democracy Game” where all of the “Citizens” registered with the site can vote on every decision in an ongoing game played by one physical person, the “President.” They have a constitution, elected officials, and way too much time on their hands, obviously. Yet I’ll still plug the game; you can get it here if you haven’t already.

northern snakeheadWould-be fisherman have clamored to a remote Crofton, MD pond to try and catch a northern snakehead, a fish native to southern China that is known to devour other fish and then “shimmy on to other ponds on its belly and fins,” surviving “for days out of water if it stays wet.” A $1,000 bounty has lured an inordinate amount of people and at least as many reporters, but so far only two snakeheads have been caught.