Last week Peter Gabriel released Up, his first studio album in 10 years. I am a big fan and was not disappointed when the CD finally arrived and I had a chance to listen to it. NPR has a nice interview with Peter Gabriel that talks about the new album and what he’s been up to for all this time. Now I’m anxiously waiting to hear whether he’ll go on tour again…
Not even on my wildest night in college, could I have accomplished this!
Follow up: I was so hoping that Randy Moss would actually be disciplined for his recent run-in with the law (literally), but I knew I was asking for too much. Not only are charges being reduced to almost nothing, but the Vikings are barely slapping him on the wrist. It’s unconscionable that a player with his history of insubordination and misplaced, inflated ego should get away scot-free.
Listen to an episode of Mullet Talk , an actual radio show in Pittsburgh.
Engineers in France have developed an air-powered car. Running on compressed air, the car has a top speed of 110 km/hr and a range of around 200 km, so it’s not the most practical. Still, it produces zero pollutants and a tank of air is estimated to cost only $1.50, so the implications for the technology are great, especially if it can be refined. Let’s see how long it takes Big Oil to get a whiff of this and squash it like a bug.
Because I know you use these things every day, The Collective Noun Page lists the correct collective nouns for just about everything imaginable, like a “cavalcade of eagles” and a “shrewdness of apes.” The page collects documented terms as well as humorous suggestions, like a “brace of orthodontists.” How droll.
OK, Blogger is going nuts and is corrupting posts today. Be prepared for some weirdness until I sort this out. It looks like it combined a new post with an old post in some unholy combination that I can’t fix, so I’m not having much luck here. I’m going to have to repost things with today’s date and hope things sort themselves out in the archive. Unfortunately, I lost some of the (rare) comments posted. This is really annoying…
Update: I’ve contained the problem, but it’s not totally gone. If you look below, the post about a new Ikea ad is the one that started this whole thing. Every now and then Blogger messes up hyperlinks and corrupts a single post, but it’s never escalated to the point where it messed up other posts as well. Some creative redating and reformatting of posts seems to have brought things back to somewhat normal, but I’m pretty pissed off at having to figure all of this out.