More New House Stuff

We finally made the big move on Saturday, and although the weather didn’t cooperate much (what else is new?), we got just about everything into the new house safely and soundly. Thanks to everyone that made it down this week and last week to help out; we definitely couldn’t have done it without you.

Now, the fun part begins. As I sat down yesterday and looked at the dozens of boxes, pieces of furniture, arwork, and mounds of clothing lying around, I realized that we have a lot of work ahead of us before we can get things in order. It’s a little distressing for me to see things this way, as I can be pretty anal about keeping my stuff organized sometimes, but at this point I’ll have to calm down a little and not try to get it all done at once.

As for the cat situation, PIA, the new cat, has warmed up to us pretty nicely but has some major issues with Ozzie intruding on “her house.” He’s pretty much nonplussed about the whole situation and is more concerned with exploring his new environment, but I think it will be a little while before they hopefully get used to each other’s presence. In the meantime, we get to hear some pretty interesting exchanges of hisses and growls as the two confront each other occasionally.

I’d like to say that things will be less hectic now that we’ve moved in, but that probably won’t be the case just yet as we continue to assemble the household. I’ll do my best to update the page and catch up with everyone, but bear with me as I get back into the swing of things…