The Presurfer writes: “Are you sick of receiving unwanted AOL cds? By sending your unwanted AOL, Netscape or CompuServe cds to No More AOL CDs, you can help make a statement. Once they have 1,000,000 collected, they will make their quest across America to give them all back to their rightful owner, AOL and say ‘stop doing this.’” I think this is definitely a cause worth supporting…
DVD Recorder With TiVo
I love my TiVo, but I always figured that there would be newer and better models. However, now I’m kicking myself for not waiting for Pioneer’s DVD Recorder with Built-In TiVo. Anyone want to buy a slightly used TiVo?
Microsoft Woos Google?
I hope that Google doesn’t even consider selling out to Micro$oft. I can’t imagine something that would suck more than M$ ruining my favorite search engine…
Happy Halloween!
Have a great Halloween! Take a gander at these sites:
- Extreme Pumpkin Carving (a repeat, I know)
- Homestar Runner’s 3 Times Halloween Funjob
- The 100 Scariest Movie Scenes Of All Time
- X-Entertainment’s Halloween Countdown
- The World’s Greatest Halloween Costumes
- The Haunted U.S. Capitol
- Billionaire Halloween Masks
- $12,000 Vampire-Killing Kit
- Mmm… Retro Candy
- Halloween Central
- I-Mockery’s 2003 Halloween “Choose Your Own Adventure”
- FARK forum – “What was the worst thing you’ve gotten for Halloween?”
- The “True” Story Of Halloween (all good until the line “As Christians, we should not celebrate Halloween.” Get real…)
Truth In Advertising
Truth In Advertising is a hilarious QuickTime movie excerpt that depicts what people really mean when they’re speaking in the office, although that terse description just doesn’t do it justice. Apparently these excerpts are part of a longer movie available on DVD; I’m tempted to buy it just to see the rest…
Neave Lab Planetarium
The Neave Lab Flash-based planetarium is very cool. If the constellations were outlined, it would be perfect…
Check out Symbolman, a site featuring a series of Flash animations that only use symbols. Pretty cool…
Governor McBain
Simply hilarious.
Haiku Error Messages
If Windows had Haiku Error Messages maybe I wouldn’t get so pissed at a BSOD. Nah, I’d still be pissed…
Three things are certain:
Death, taxes, and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.