Austrian doctors have concluded that Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned with dioxin after running new tests late last week. As seen in the pictures below spanning several months, the illness has left extensive scarring and swelling on his face, and he also suffers from “a series of symptoms, including back pain, acute pancreatitis and nerve paralysis on the left side of his face.” Dr. Michael Zimpfer, the director of Vienna’s private Rudolfinerhaus clinic that ran the tests, said that “If Yushchenko’s disfigurement turns out to be chloracne – a type of adult acne caused by exposure to toxic chemicals – it could take a long time to clear… Sometimes it takes two to three years for people to heal.”
In another election news, “Ukraine’s Supreme Court voided the outcome of the November 21 presidential runoff election, which Yushchenko lost to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, following allegations of massive vote fraud. A rerun of the ballot is slated for December 26.” I’m very glad to hear this; I just hope that this time around the election will be run fairly and the will of the people is realized.