MilkandCookies presents the video of Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite) reading the Top 10 List “Top 10 Signs You’re Not The Most Popular Guy In Your High School” (embedded Windows Media Video) on David Letterman. Hilarious…
The Top 100 Gadgets Of All Time
Mobile PC has a great list of The Top 100 Gadgets of All Time.
GeoURL Relaunches
For those of you that noticed that my GeoURL referral wasn’t working, it was because the site had been offline for some time. Well, I am happy to report that GeoURL has relaunched, in beta at least. It looks pretty much like it used to, although they promise some new features that will hopefully be released soon.
For those of you that have no idea what I’m talking about, “GeoURL maps geographic locations to websites letting you lookup websites near a location or near another website.” You can see some of my “neighbors” here or by clicking on the handy GeoURL button currently at right and permanently located in the left sidebar.
Google Movies
Google has added a “movie:” operator that allows you to search for movies by “titles or actors, director or genre, famous lines or obscure plot details” [movie: optigrab]; where movies are playing by ZIP code or location [movie: 20657]; or reviews by movie name [movie: the jerk]. It’s not perfect, but it’s still a pretty cool new feature…
I’ll be on travel in North Carolina this week, so I probably won’t have a chance to make any posts until next week.
Alcohol In Star Trek
As a companion to the previous post, I couldn’t resist Modern Drunkard’s in-depth article studying the role of alcohol in Star Trek. Don’t get them started on synthehol…
Try Mixilator, a “Random Cocktail Generator.” Here’s my first try:
Debilitated Yakama Cocktail
Chill cocktail glass. Prepare as follows:
In pre-chilled cocktail shaker combine
* 3 oz 151 proof rum
* 1 tsp. papaya nectar
* 1 tsp. aromatic bitters
* 4 drops apricot liqueur
Shake with ice cubes as if you were suffering a super-acute attack of ague and Saint Vitus dance combined.
Strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Carefully deposit coffee bean on drink surface.
That doesn’t sound too bad…
Urban Legends Photo Gallery has always been the definitive reference for exposing whether or not the latest chain mail is real or just an “urban legend.” They’ve recently added a Photo Gallery page that concentrates on the authenticity of images that circulate via e-mail etc. Definitely worth a bookmark…
The Thirty-Eight States Of America
The Map Room posts that “In the 1970s, geography professor C. Etzel Pearcy proposed reconfiguring the United States into 38 states that were, in his view, more physically and culturally coherent.” It’s definitely an interesting idea; visit the page for more details, especially concerning the criteria Pearcy used for determining the new boundaries.
Breakfast In Neverland
Breakfast In Neverland is a portrait of Michael Jackson done in children’s cereal. Freaky…