Listen to him on the radio, or download his podcast…
Additional features include an improved search function and the ability to better personalize news stories.
A nice article on the end of The West Wing
Interesting story; more info on the coins in the next link
[thanks to Shaft for the link] -
“America’s inflation-proof currency.” Um, interesting…
[thanks to Shaft for the link] -
Q: My name is Tiffany Cooper. I’m a sophomore here at Kansas State and I was just wanting to get your comments about education. Recently 12.7 billion dollars was cut from education. I was just wondering how is that supposed to help our futures?
Jimmy Kimmel came up with this funny sketch…
Nice summary of why different months have 31 versus 30 (and 28) days
“In 1931, Tolkien wrote an essay about the somewhat peculiar hobby of devising private languages. He called it A Secret Vice. But in Tolkien’s case, the ‘vice’ can hardly be called secret anymore.”
This can’t be real…
Nice photos here…
welcome to how New York got started.”
Walt Disney Records presents Devo for kids. I don’t know about this…
More information on the unaired nude Family Guy scene
kottke.org unearthed this “video clip of a nude scene from Family Guy that was apparently created as an in-house joke.” Definitely NSFW
quite an interesting story here of espionage gone wrong…
Hilarious video from MadTV. Slightly NSFW, even if it is claymation…
[via MetaFilter]
“The city as an avatar of itself”
BLDG BLOG posts about Olivo Barbieri’s unusual photography, which “[achieve their] distinctive look by photographing from a helicopter using a tilt-shift lens.” Very surreal…
Bill the Demon
Check out the retro-styled Flash game Bill the Demon:
History is filled with legends of Demons: evil creatures with dark powers and horrifying strength. There is Astaroth, who turns invisible; Beelzebub, master of flies and all Earthly diseases; Mephistopheles, Prince of Deceit; Asmodeus, Lord of Corruption; and Leviathan, great monster of the Deep. You are Bill.
Feline Protection and Enhancement System
Today is a great day for the cat freedom movement! The prototype Feline Protection and Enhancement System is ready for testing! The F.P.E.S. v0.0, known as “The Zero”, was produced in our top secret, Illinois facility just last week.
This is one of the weirder things I’ve seen recently…
The Deer Hunter
Check out a hilarious video from The Man Show (the real one with Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla) entitled The Deer Hunter (embedded YouTube video below).
del.icio.us links for 01-23-2006
[thanks to Ulana for the link]
“Celebrating Retorts, Ripostes, Rejoinders, and Other Forms of Repartee.” Still under construction, but looks fun…
[via A.Word.A.Day] -
Nice summary of how BitTorrent works, along with a review of popular software clients. I didn’t expect this from PC Magazine….
Slashdot story that points to the PC Magazine feature; some more information in the comments…
“[Hiroshi] Tanaka claims to have perfected a machine that can transform a bottle of just-fermented Beaujolais Nouveau into a fine, mellow wine in seconds, all by zapping it with a few volts of electricity.” Sounds fishy to me…
Slashdot story on the wine aging machine with some interesting commentary and information in the comments
“NBC entertainment president Kevin Reilly said the decision to cancel it was made before actor John Spencer died of a heart attack in December.” Still, I wonder…
[via reddit]
“French President Jacques Chirac has said France would be ready to use nuclear weapons against any state which launched a terrorist attack against it.” Pretty strong words, and from France at that…
[via reddit] -
[via reddit]
[via reddit]
[via reddit]
“a technique used by forum moderators to suppress trollage, vandalism, and other rude behavior in online discourse by removing all the vowels from the offending material.”
[via Hot Links]
DrikoLand Photos Update
The above photograph “Lone Tree” is part of a recent update to DrikoLand Photos that includes the Southern Maryland and Miscellaneous galleries. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Best Buy A-Go-Go
Check out the funny “music” video Best Buy A-Go-Go (YouTube video).
Young Chuck Norris
Andy Samberg of Saturday Night Live scores again with the digital short Young Chuck Norris (embedded YouTube video below).
del.icio.us links for 01-22-2006
[via digg]
addictive Flash dexterity game; have fun on Level 50 (and 101)!
How many can you get right? They claim that if you get over 19 out of 33, then you’re a “genius.” Well, I’m no genius, but I got more than that…