The kid in this video is pretty damn scary. Too bad it’s in German and I can’t understand much of what he’s saying; probably for the best, though…
Cheney Shoots Three Presidents in Oval Office Mishap
Steve Martin offers his comedic take on Cheney’s recent shooting incident in HuffingtonPost:
Vice President Dick Cheney, while hunting wild geese in the Rose Garden, accidentally shot President Bush twice, once in the heart and once in the head. “I didn’t really shoot the President twice,” said Cheney. “The second time I shot him, I was president. It wasn’t until my third shot, where I accidentally shot my own foot, that I had shot the president twice. I was officially injured and unable to govern, when Dennis Hastert came in, and stepped on the butt handle of the rifle causing it to swing up like a rake and shoot his hair off. I guess I’m officially responsible for that too, meaning I shot the acting president for a total of three occupants of the oval office. I’m not proud, but it is a record.”
Flash Bookmarklets
Flash Bookmarklets (and the site in general) has a bunch of nice bookmarklets, but my favorite is seek bar, which places a pause button and seek bar under Flash videos when run.
For those of you that haven’t used bookmarklets before, in Firefox you simply drag them to your bookmarks or tool bar, creating a link or button that can be run later.
Terrafugia Flying Car
CNET reports that startup company Terrafugia “is aiming to show off what it calls the Transition ‘personal air vehicle,’ an SUV with retractable wings, to the EAA AirVenture Conference in Oshkosh, Wis., at the end of July.” The performance figures sound intriguing, but I’ll believe it when I see it…
New Virus Images
Do Bush followers have a political ideology?
In the post “Do Bush followers have a political ideology?”, Glenn Greenwald makes an argument for the statement that “Whether one is a ‘liberal’ – or, for that matter, a ‘conservative’ – is now no longer a function of one’s actual political views, but is a function purely of one’s personal loyalty to George Bush.” I think he’s right on the money…
Strange Units Of Measurement
I found myself strangely engrossed by the Wikipedia entry Strange Units Of Measurement.
The Privileged Still Rule On The Russian Road
Protests across Russia are taking place after a “Oleg Shcherbinsky, a railway worker whose car was hit from behind last summer by a speeding car carrying the Altai region’s governor,” was sentenced to four years in a labor colony. In case it’s not clear from the previous statement, Shcherbinsky was hit by a speeding, negligent driver making a dangerous and illegal maneuver, yet he was found guilty of “careless driving leading to the death of others and for not yielding to a car with priority.” As many of you may have heard, Russian traffic police are notoriously elitist and corrupt, and the privileged basically have free rein on the roads:
Nowhere is the privilege – and abuse – of power more visible to ordinary Russians than on the roads, where politicians and bureaucrats, who have special license plates and blue lights for their luxury vehicles, speed recklessly, force other drivers aside and generally flout the rules. At the same time, ordinary citizens are subject to constant harassment from traffic police, who routinely demand small bribes. These irritants have become the source of open anger because many motorists can easily imagine themselves suffering Shcherbinsky’s fate.
This is a crock of shit, and I hope that media scrutiny forces Russian authorities to rethink this shameful decision. Looks like not as much has changed in Russia as people think…
Star Wars In 30 Seconds (with bunnies)
Check out Angry Alien’s latest creation, Star Wars in 30 seconds with bunnies.