Sorry for the lack of posts for the last week or so. I meant to make a quick post letting everyone know that I’d be away, but I forgot. Anyway, I’m back from the West Coast; I had to fly out to Point Mugu, California again to do some work on some aircraft out there. The weather was beautiful, and apparently we were the purveyors of the good weather, as it had been unseasonably rainy before we arrived.
I have lots of photos to share from California, as well as a bunch from the Andrews Air Force Base Joint Service Open House airshow held a week ago. The picture above is from that show and is probably one of the best shots I’ve ever gotten at an airshow. Even with a fast shutter speed and motor drive, I have yet to capture a knife edge pass like this before, and even if I could get such a shot again, there’s no guarantee that I’d be sitting in the right spot, etc. etc. Obviously, I’m quite excited about this…
I’ve posted a bunch more pictures from the air show at the DrikoLand Gallery and am slowly posting them in a flickr set as well. I’ll make another post once I add pictures from the West Coast. Let me know what you think!
Hopefully this week I’ll be able to catch up and start posting more regularly…