FlickrBlog posts about a bunch of new flickr features, including “New Navigation, New Search, New and Improved Organizr, and the Person Menu.” As the post points out, you might be best off just jumping in and exploring…
10 Things I Hate About Commandments
The YouTube video 10 Things I Hate About Commandments is another hilarious movie trailer mashup from the creators of Must Love Jaws.
Right Man. Critical Moment In Our Nation’s History.
Leave it to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show to point out that W’s endorsement of Michael Hayden is almost word for word the same as that for Porter Goss back in 2004: “He’s the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our nation’s history.” (embedded video) Wait a second…
Echo Not a Lie, DB.
Dennis Hurley has created The Albino Code to poke fun at albinism’s negative depiction in The Da Vinci Code as well as to promote awareness about the condition.
WolfenGitmo is:
a Guantanamo Bay mod of the classic 3D first-person game Castle Wolfenstein. In WolfenGitmo, your hands are bound and you have no weapons, so you merely run around and get mauled by dogs and beaten up by soldiers.
The mod was created by Evan Harper as “part of an assignment for Design Technology’s Art Of Hacking class.” No downloads are available yet, although a playable version is on display at the Parsons CDT show in New York.
Al Gore on SNL
In case you missed it, last Saturday’s Saturday Night Live opened with a great skit starring Al Gore “addressing the nation as if he was the President of the United States.” He got in a bunch of great jabs at the current administration while poking a bit of fun at himself. Crooks and Liars offers video links (QuickTime and Windows Media Video) as well as an unofficial transcript. Very funny…
Michael Hayden Looks Familiar…
Is it just me, or does CIA Director nominee Michael Hayden look a lot like movie and TV actor Kurtwood Smith? It’s probably just me, but that really was the first thing that popped into my head when I first saw what Hayden looked like…
Hail To The Chief
Check out this video of Hail to the Chief played on the hands (AKA manualism) (Google Video). Boing Boing quotes Tom of Backup Brain, who I think is right on the money:
I believe in honoring the office of the Presidency, even though I despise the current occupant of the Oval Office. But here’s the kind of honors our current President has earned, and deserves.
World’s Greatest Magician
Experience the wonder of Daniel Chesterfield: World’s Greatest Magician (Google Video)…
Rocky Balboa Teaser Video Clip
Last year I lamented about the impending release of Rocky Balboa (AKA Rocky 6), an obviously deluded effort by Sylvester Stallone to revisit the past. I was less than optimistic about this release then, and the teaser video clip made available at Rocky Balboa Blog (wow, the movie has its own blog!) gives away absolutely nothing, so I don’t even know why they bothered. Take a look if you’re interested, but don’t expect much. I suppose that will probably prove to be good advice about the movie as well… ;-p