By now, I’m sure you’ve heard the buzz (Interweb and otherwise) surrounding the upcoming movie Snakes On A Plane. The Interweb buzz has been building for over a year, starting as a campaign of derision against the horrible-sounding movie name and lame premise that somehow transformed into a wholehearted lovefest for a movie that wasn’t even due to premier until August 2006.
To its credit, the studio has taken full advantage of this publicity, embracing the response and nurturing all of the fan sites and creations. The official site highlights fan sites and offers multimedia goodies, enlisting the involvement of Samuel L. Jackson, the star of the film. Even better,
Among the reported additions [to the film] is a line that originated as an Internet parody of Samuel L. Jackson’s traditional movie persona: “That’s it! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!”.
Now that’s funny.
Which brings me to the whole point of this post (about time, huh?). A portion of the site lets you supply some basic information about a friend and then sends an e-mail or calls them on the phone with a “personal” message from Samuel L. Jackson. Some of you have fallen victim to this already, but I figured I’d post about it and let everyone who hasn’t heard about it have some fun too. Click here and have at it.
When all is said and done, I suspect that the movie will be a cheesy, tongue-in-cheek pseudo-thriller that’s more humorous than suspenseful. Done right, it could become a classic…