The Neddiad

As a child, one of my favorite authors was Daniel Pinkwater. Although ostensibly written for children, his books did not condescend, and the subversive, eclectic, and somewhat weird topics never failed to capture my imagination. I don’t think I ever outgrew them, as I can still pick up Pinkwater’s books and enjoy them almost as I did when I first read them.

When Boing Boing reported that Daniel Pinkwater will be serializing his next novel, The Neddiad, on the web, I was ecstatic. Here is a “word from the author:”

I am very happy that, with the cooperation of Houghton Mifflin Company, and the good offices of Ed Weiss, webmaster of, I am able to offer web-readers an advance look at my new book, The Neddiad. The actual publication date of the book is in April, 2007–it will be serialized here, an additional chapter per week, starting in August, 2006. The complete book will be shown on the web.

Readers are welcome to post comments, criticisms, complaints, and exchange remarks–a link will be provided, and I may periodically chime in to discuss and argue with the posters. I’m also hoping that those of you who enjoy the book online will buy a copy for money when it is published. The book is fairly long, so it will be in print before we finish serializing it here.

This is way cool… 🙂

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