Photojournalist Bill Biggart died when the second World Trade Center tower collapsed on him on 9/11/2001, doggedly shooting until his untimely demise. Miraculously, his legacy lives on:
When [photographer] Chip East was handed the bag containing Biggart’s gear by his widow, Wendy, he was convinced that no pictures had survived. The avalanche of falling debris had blown off the backs of the two film cameras. There were several rolls of film in Biggart’s bag; however, the lids of the film canisters had been peeled back, allowing light to fall into the cassettes. Finally, East turned his attention to the digital camera. It was covered by ash. The lens had been sheared off at the flange. But when he opened the chamber that held the compact flash card, it was pristine.
Check out the amazing photo gallery of the images of 9/11 that were recovered from Bill Biggart’s camera, many of which offer unparalleled or heretofore unseen vantages of the tragedy.