Happy New Year!

I realize that it’s been some time since I last posted; I hope that everyone had a great holiday.

Besides being busy over the holidays, my lack of posting was also caused by some growing pains in transitioning to the “New” Blogger that recently came out of Beta. I should have held off, because I’m not really making use of any of the new features, and it broke some of the things that made it easy to post, most importantly the “blog this” button included so prominently in its Google Toolbar. This means a couple of extra steps of cutting and pasting for each new post, a real pain. The “New” Blogger also broke the Greasemonkey script I used to automate inclusion of del.icio.us category tags, again requiring a couple of extra steps per post. I realize that Blogger has now introduced category “labels,” a feature that was long overdue, but now that I’ve committed to using del.icio.us as my means of managing categories, I’m loathe to change over to something new.

I’ve been lazy enough as it is as far as posting, so the combination of these new obstacles to posting didn’t help my recent lack of enthusiasm. I hope that I can get over this malaise and/or figure out a way to get my work flow back soon. I do have plenty of stuff saved up over the holidays to post; hopefully it’s not old news by now… 😉

Finally, if you notice any down time over the weekend, it is due to a transition to a new hosting provider, Dreamhost. I’ll most likely be switching over on Friday, and I’m hoping that it will go smoothly, as I won’t kill my old Yahoo hosting account until I’m sure that the new site is up and running, which could take the weekend depending on how quickly DNS changes propagate. If there are any major issues, I’ll make a status post letting everyone know. Thanks for being patient; hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of things and post more consistently…

Update: The “blog this” functionality of Google Toolbar has finally been repaired, so that’s a big help to me. However, I have yet to find an updated Greasemonkey script for del.icio.us categorizing that works with the “New” Blogger, so I have to hand code tags for each post until I figure that out. Sigh…