Travis’ cover of Britney Spears’ Hit Me Baby One More Time (YouTube video) is actually quite good. Check out the MetaFilter thread where I found this for some more fun stuff…
North Korea is Scary…
Video footage of the Arirang Festival in North Korea is both scary and depressing to me…
The World of Wal Mart
Benjamin Edwards’ work The World of Wal Mart displays the countries of origins of objects sold in Wal Mart stores.
RadioShack Is Still In Business?
The Onion’s article Even CEO Can’t Figure Out How RadioShack Still In Business is quite insightful…
A Tribute to the Keytar
Rock Surge’s Tribute to the Keytar is awesome!
Nazi Robot Attack
Nazi Robot Attack is a really cool CGI short film that could make for a really fun computer game…
I Want My Two Hours!
I will shamefully admit to watching American Idol, although I will also say that more recent shows have taxed my patience greatly. After reading stereogum’s summary of last night’s episode — American Idol, Give Back Our Two Hours — I’m quite glad that I didn’t watch it yesterday. The post does include some video clips of the few decent moments, though.
Oh, and please tell me that you got my Better Off Dead… reference…
The 15 Most Outrageous Claims in Pop Music History presents The 15 Most Outrageous Claims in Pop Music History. Their site is chock full of other hilarious stuff, by the way…
UCSC Engineering Building Attacked by Giant Gorilla
Students at the University of California-Santa Cruz decorated the Engineering Building with a screen capture of Donkey Kong made out of about 6400 Post-It Notes. Too cool…
Real Estate Roller Coaster
The Google Video Real Estate Roller Coaster plots US Home prices from 1890-2006 adjusted for inflation on a roller coaster, which is then ridden in Roller Coaster Tycoon. Cool…