~amoebabloke’s antique d2 project 8 is pretty damn cool…
People In Order
The YouTube video People in Order is:
part of a series of short films that assembles the people of Britain in a given order. In just 3 minutes, we meet 100 different people who are arranged according to their age, starting from age 1.
Google Local News
For those of you that frequent Google News and haven’t customized it yet, you should, as there is a new feature entitled Google Local News. It allows you to input your location of choice and then adds a news section tailored to that region. Pretty cool…
Lost In Translation – Final Scene Whisper Revealed
For those of you that are (like me) fans of the movie Lost In Translation, you were probably left wondering what Bob Harris (Bill Murray) whispered to Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) at the end of the movie. Well, wonder no more. Someone has digitally massaged the dialogue in that scene to the point where you can hear what he said. Check out the YouTube video here, unless you’d like to leave it to your imagination. I was quite torn and almost didn’t listen, but in the end I relented and don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler…
Hilarious Science Fair Experiments
There are some real “winners” in this photographic showcase of science experiments. One of my favorites is above…
Star Wars According to a Three-Year-Old
Check out this YouTube video of a three-year-old explaining the plot of Star Wars.
Hillary vs. Barack
Hillary Is Mom Jeans, Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle. I’m just the messenger here…
Best. “Hey Jude” Cover. Ever.
You’ve got to check out this video.
History Of Water Renderings In Computer Games
Check out this feature detailing the History Of Water Renderings In Computer Games. It’s in German, but it’s mostly images anyway. Above is a screencap of Silent Service, a Commodore 64 game from 1985. Things have changed a bit since then…
Oil Map
The Middle East has a lot of oil! That’s no revelation, but this map projection sizes countries according to their amount of oil, depicting just how much that holds true.