The National Portrait Gallery is displaying Shepard Fairey’s now-famous portrait of Barack Obama. Cool…
The First 100 Days
GOOD Sheet has a very informative timeline detailing the The First 100 Days of every president from FDR on.
Which President Is Obama?
The Daily Beast attempts to answer the question Which President Is Obama?“:
The historical comparisons–Kennedy, FDR, Clinton–to the President-Elect and his transition have become a flood. One sign: they now stretch to Martin van Burden. Six of the more strained comparisons to the 44th president.
Presidential Inauguration Videos
Check out the MetaFilter thread compiling Presidential Inauguration Videos from every inauguration since McKinley’s in 1901.
Carl Warner’s Foodscapes really are amazing pieces of culinary art.
Ann Coulter on SNL
I can’t believe they didn’t air this yesterday; hilarious!
David Lee Roth soundboard
The guy that wrote the Runnin’ With The Devil soundboard had a lot of fun…
100 Movie Spoilers in 5 Minutes
Fifty Years of Popular Songs Condensed Into Single Sentences.
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency presents Fifty Years of Popular Songs Condensed Into Single Sentences. Too funny…
50 Skills Every Real Geek Should Have
Maximum PC presents its list of 50 Skills Every Real Geek Should Have. How did you rank?