The Force Skeptics Page

Star WarsThe Force Skeptics Page presents an interesting point of view… 😉

The Jedi Knights are known for their supposed ability to perform “miracles.” They can influence others’ thoughts with a wave of their hand, use a slender light saber to deflect blaster bolts with their eyes closed, jump great heights in full gravity, move objects without touching them, see into the future, and do many other things that normal people can’t. Or so they claim.

Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been bamboozled. The Force is a fiction that exists only in the minds of deluded Jedi practitioners. The so-called “Jedi Powers” are nothing more than cheap stage-magic tricks that anyone can learn and which violate no known laws of physics. The Masters of the Jedi Order are charlatans, preying upon your gullibility and demanding your blind respect in return.

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