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Supernatural Collective Nouns. [Wondermark] Link to Delicious/driko

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:03 PM PDT

50 Most Beautiful Icon Sets Created in 2008 [Noupe]

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 05:02 PM PDT

Autumn Colors Macro 4 [Flickr]

Posted: 30 Oct 2009 11:14 AM PDT

driko posted a photo:

Autumn Colors Macro 4

I tried a slighly different setup to get this macro shot of autumn colors in a leaf. I borrowed a set of focusing rails, which allowed for a little better precision in focus…

Best viewed large🙂


Posted: 30 Oct 2009 10:04 AM PDT

A very nice summary of what happened on the San Francisco Bay Bridge

streambaby – Project Hosting on Google Code

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 08:18 PM PDT

nice application to allow video streaming from your computer to TiVo; very easy to use! Not sure about .avi transcoding yet, though…

Google Tracking-B-Gone for Greasemonkey

Posted: 29 Oct 2009 07:56 PM PDT

daily delicious posts

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daily delicious posts

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Download free fonts @ fontspace.com Link to Delicious/driko

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 07:00 PM PDT

Personal Video Database – Home

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:44 PM PDT

TVTrigger – Home

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:30 PM PDT

Prevent v 1.0 [The Windows Club]

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:20 PM PDT

“Prevents cut, paste, copy, delete, re-naming of files & folders”

WinPatrol 2010

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:13 PM PDT

Essential, free security application

Want to learn about Windows 7? Microsoft offers you a look at its features

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:12 PM PDT

AVI ReComp

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 06:11 PM PDT

Nice video editor

The genius brothers behind Google Wave [CNN.com]

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 08:50 AM PDT

Harvesting baseball’s ‘magic mud’ [CNN.com]

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 08:42 AM PDT

I had heart about this before, but it’s still a cool story…

Takedown Hall Of Shame | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 07:49 AM PDT

Reocities , rising from the ashes – RIP Geocities…

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 07:21 AM PDT

“We’ve rebuilt the walls to the Cities and the streets where a large part of the early settlers of the World Wide Web used to live in. You can still find them where they were before, but not all of the houses have been rebuilt yet.”

Meat Hand [not martha]

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 07:15 AM PDT

Quite a creative Halloween dish…

Best of Wikipedia – Acoustic Kitty

Posted: 28 Oct 2009 07:08 AM PDT

“Acoustic Kitty was a CIA project in the 1960s attempting to use cats in spy missions…”

daily delicious posts

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Photojojo Link to Delicious/driko

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 08:00 PM PDT

“The best photo tips, DIY projects, and gear in the whole wide world”

“Can’t sleep. Carnival dragon will eat me…” [Flickr]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 06:14 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

"Can't sleep.  Carnival dragon will eat me..."

Taken at the St. Mary’s County Fair.

SoMD Llamas 3 [Flickr]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 06:04 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

SoMD Llamas 3

A candid shot of llamas taken during the St. Mary’s County Fair. 🙂

SoMD Llamas 2 [Flickr]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 06:04 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

SoMD Llamas 2

A candid shot of a llama taken during the St. Mary’s County Fair. 🙂

SoMD Llamas 1 [Flickr]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 06:04 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

SoMD Llamas 1

A candid shot of llamas taken during the St. Mary’s County Fair. 🙂

Scientists discover gene that ‘cancer-proofs’ rodent’s cells

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 11:32 AM PDT

Microsoft bails from Family Guy Windows 7 special [Ars Technica]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 09:15 AM PDT

“We initially chose to participate in the Seth and Alex variety show based on the audience composition and creative humor of ‘Family Guy,’ but after reviewing an early version of the variety show it became clear that the content was not a fit with the Windows brand.” Um, duh.

Hasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7 [Ars Technica]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 08:00 AM PDT

8 Best Ways to Share ‘Mix Tapes’ [Wired.com]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 07:57 AM PDT

It’s Decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers. [McSweeney’s Internet Tendency]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 07:46 AM PDT

How much is a stamp?

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:51 AM PDT

Dead tauntaun wedding cake [Gizmodo]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:10 AM PDT


McDonald’s Closes in Iceland After Krona Collapse [Bloomberg.com]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:10 AM PDT

Google Voice now (kinda) works with your number [CNET News]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:01 AM PDT

“No, it’s not a full number port, which the company still says is coming and will eventually allow things like call screening, conference calling, or listening into a call before picking up–all with your existing number. Instead, Google is taking advantage of conditional call forwarding to let users send unanswered calls to Google’s voice-mail service in place of the one provided by a user’s carrier. ”

Contextual search within Wikipedia [Official Google Blog]

Posted: 27 Oct 2009 03:57 AM PDT

“enable the Custom Search skin and you’ll have quick access to relevant Google Custom Search results from Wikipedia. With the Custom Search skin, your search results are conveniently placed inline on the page.”

daily delicious posts

h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff ! important;} div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square; padding-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px; border-left: 6px solid #dadada; margin-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div li { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:1em; } table#itemcontentlist tr td a:link, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:visited, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:active, ul#summarylist li a { color:#000099; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } img {border:none;}

‘ville.2k – the 101 Best Music Videos of the Decade. Link to Delicious/driko

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:34 PM PDT

GeoCities (1995-2009) is finally put out of our misery

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:07 PM PDT

Tips and Tricks: Making the Most of Google Calendar

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:30 AM PDT

Enhanced Google Music Search

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:06 AM PDT

“CNet reports that Google will launch the new version of Google Music Search next week, in partnership with Lala and iLike.” Cool! I’m a big fan of Lala, especially since you can have it scan your music files and make those songs streamable from anywhere…

Infographic of the Day: It’s a Small World, Afterall [Fast Company]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:37 AM PDT

“This map shows exactly where are the most remote places in the world.”

daily delicious posts

h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff ! important;} div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square; padding-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px; border-left: 6px solid #dadada; margin-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div li { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:1em; } table#itemcontentlist tr td a:link, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:visited, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:active, ul#summarylist li a { color:#000099; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } img {border:none;}

NirLauncher puts hundreds of Nirsoft and SysInternals apps in one tidy Link to Delicious/driko package

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 03:34 PM PDT

Autumn Colors Macro 3 [Flickr]

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 01:57 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

Autumn Colors Macro 3

Autumn colors on this leaf provided an interesting subject for a macro shot.

Autumn Colors Macro 2 [Flickr]

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 01:57 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

Autumn Colors Macro 2

Autumn colors on this leaf provided an interesting subject for a macro shot.

Autumn Colors Macro 1 [Flickr]

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 01:57 PM PDT

driko posted a photo:

Autumn Colors Macro 1

Autumn colors on this leaf provided an interesting subject for a macro shot.

Fittr Flickr extension for Chrome enhances your Flickr experience

Posted: 25 Oct 2009 09:00 AM PDT


Posted: 25 Oct 2009 09:00 AM PDT

“Create an instant portfolio from your flickr account”

NewsPulse [CNN.com]

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 08:28 PM PDT

“Get the news filtered the way you want and see what’s popular”

6 Pro Photographers Share Their Most Guarded Digital Secrets [Mac|Life]

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 08:16 PM PDT

Top 10 Windows 7 Booster Apps [Lifehacker]

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 08:10 PM PDT

Seether – “Careless Whisper” video

I just saw the video for Seether’s cover of “Careless Whisper,” and it’s awesome! It’s chock full of ‘80s arcade game, movie, and TV references mixed with some current events. One of the funnier moments is seeing who dispatches Kim Jong Il at the end… 🙂

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Advanced Photoshop Techniques that you may not be aware of Link to Delicious/driko[Inspect Element]

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 07:46 PM PDT

The noughties – a decade of lost species [guardian.co.uk]

Posted: 24 Oct 2009 03:01 PM PDT

“From rhinos to redwood trees, the noughties decade has spelled the end for some species of plants and animals. Many have not been sighted in their natural habitat for some time, while others have been declared officially extinct”

daily delicious posts

h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff ! important;} div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square; padding-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px; border-left: 6px solid #dadada; margin-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div li { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:1em; } table#itemcontentlist tr td a:link, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:visited, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:active, ul#summarylist li a { color:#000099; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } img {border:none;}

Windows 7 avalanche: Roundup of hacks, tips, downloads, and more! Link to Delicious/driko

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 11:54 AM PDT


Posted: 23 Oct 2009 11:35 AM PDT

“The Essential Blog for the Discriminating Drinker”

10 Latin Phrases You Pretend to Understand [mental_floss Blog]

Posted: 23 Oct 2009 11:32 AM PDT

I didn’t get “memento mori” quite right…

daily delicious posts

h1 a:hover {background-color:#888;color:#fff ! important;} div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div ul { list-style-type:square; padding-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div blockquote { padding-left:6px; border-left: 6px solid #dadada; margin-left:1em; } div#emailbody table#itemcontentlist tr td div li { margin-bottom:1em; margin-left:1em; } table#itemcontentlist tr td a:link, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:visited, table#itemcontentlist tr td a:active, ul#summarylist li a { color:#000099; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; } img {border:none;}