Comic Book Cartography
Comic Book Cartography is more than maps of make-believe lands. It also covers cutaways ga–lore, robot schematics, and diagrams of Batman’s utility belt. In the same vein, there was The Marvel Atlas Project (M.A.P.), and though it is now offline, some pictures have survived. There is also the two–part Marvel Atlas, a subset of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. The Atlast of the DC Universe is limited to Earth, (sourced from the DC Heros RPG book and Secret Files & Origins Guide to the DC Universe 2000), and Mapping Gotham is a single blog post which collects some maps from Batman’s world, as found from a variety of sources. The Map Room collected a few more, some which require some digging into the archives. [more, previously]
7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories
7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories
Warning: may ruin childhood memories!
This post reveals that some of your favorite Disney movies are based on literary works with endings that are best summarized as “everybody dies.” ;-(