This never gets old. Happy Thanksgiving!
Polish concert pianist Slawomir Zubrzycki spent over three years and nearly $10,000 developing his version of Leonardo da Vinci’s design for an instrument that combined the mechanical actions of a piano with the sounds of string instruments: the viola organista.
The video above is an interview (in Polish, so turn on closed captioning) with much more information. Just amaing…
[via Colossal]
Google patenting an electronic ‘throat tattoo’
Google patenting an electronic ‘throat tattoo’
And so the End Times begin.
The Beauty Of Mathematics video must be watched in full-screen mode to be properly appreciated.
This awesome spectrogram visualization of a dial-up modem handshake brings back a lot of memories. As Gizmodo points out, it’s a sound that our kids will never know…
A Brief History of Video Game Title Design
A very nice compilation, even if almost all of the examples are post-‘80s and thus mostly unfamiliar to me. You may want to turn down the music, though…
Adobe Hacked – E-mail Search Tool
Adobe Hacked – E-mail Search Tool
If any of you has an Adobe account, it’d be well worth your time to check your e-mail address with this tool [] to see whether your information was compromised.
I received a letter from Adobe a while ago advising me to change my password and likely did so right after that, but since my e-mail address came up in this search, I went ahead and reset it to be safe…