“Goodfellas” is 25. Here’s an incomplete list of all the movies that have ripped it off.
“Johnny Depp’s new "Black Mass” is just the latest to attempt to mimic Scorsese’s mobster masterpiece. “ – My Comments :
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“Goodfellas” is 25. Here’s an incomplete list of all the movies that have ripped it off.
“Johnny Depp’s new "Black Mass” is just the latest to attempt to mimic Scorsese’s mobster masterpiece. “ – My Comments :
Liked on YouTube: “Transformers Generation Movie Stop Motion” http://ift.tt/1z7JgeW
X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and more classic Star Wars games come to Steam
“LucasArts has slowly been releasing some of its classic Star Wars games on GOG.com, and today it’s expanded to the biggest PC store around: Steam. Starting today, you can grab beloved games like X… ” – My Comments : : X-Wing, TIE Fighter, and more classic Star Wars games come to Steam http://t.co/IvdpasN8mQ : X-Wing, TIE Fight… http://t.co/IvdpasN8mQ
Liked on YouTube: “NAVAIR Clips: X-47B completes first autonomous aerial refueling” http://ift.tt/1EOCzkt
Spectacular Hubble Photos to Celebrate 25 Years in Space for Humanity’s Telescope
“On April 25, 1990, the world—the Universe—changed. That was the day the crew of STS-31 deployed the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. This magnificent observatory has a special place in my heart. When it launched I was in graduate school in astronomy, and had just received my master’s degree. I… ” – My Comments : Some amazing photos here.
The Hilarious Way Craft Breweries Are Trolling Budweiser
“A group of craft brewers has discovered that revenge is both sweet and a dish best served cold. More specifically, for a nationwide group of breweries led by the acclaimed Bell’s Brewery of Kalamazoo, Michigan, revenge is an icy glass of pumpkin-… ” – My Comments :
“CLIP: President Obama and his anger translator at 2015 White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Watch complete video here: http://cs.pn/1JFZuMo ” – My Comments :
Liked on YouTube: “Toons – Video Games (MTV2)” http://ift.tt/1z2a0NX
DrikoLand Blog – geek-art: #geekart Batman through the ages……
“ ” – My Comments : Photo: geek-art: #geekart Batman through the ages… Glorious art by Jeff Victor ! More details here… http://t.co/j8nyupiTy4