Liked on YouTube: “THOR: THE DARK WORLD Deleted Scene – Loki’s Ceremony (2013) Tom Hiddleston Marvel Movie HD”
Liked on YouTube: “copy complete || 70s, 80s and 90s Computer Hacking Supercut [HD]”
Liked on YouTube: “Siskel and Ebert defend Star Wars”
This Picture Of A Bombed-Up And Dirty F-35C Is The Best Joint-Strike Fighter Photo Yet
This Picture Of A Bombed-Up And Dirty F-35C Is The Best Joint-Strike Fighter Photo Yet
“Gear down, flaps out, all bombed, missiled and gunned-up, in a steep bank and in burner—this has to be the best photo of an F-35 yet. Additionally, the navalized F-35C, shown here, with its larger wing, has to be the most photogenic out of the Joint Strike Fighter family. When you add in pair of AIM… ” – My Comments : Not exactly the most stealthy load-out by any means, but still a nice photo…
McCain Goes Beastmode On Trump Over Putin Praise: He’s A Putin Propagandist
McCain Goes Beastmode On Trump Over Putin Praise: He’s A Putin Propagandist
“McCain says Putin is "a bully and thug and to pay a compliment to this KGB apparatchik murderer is something that I just can’t find in anyway plausible and is incomprehensible.” “ – My Comments :
Liked on YouTube: “The Clarks "What A Wonderful World” (Full Version)“
Welcome to Steam
“ ” – My Comments : The Steam winter sale has started! This time it’s one sale extending for a few weeks rather than timed “flash” sales, so no need to keep checking the page…
Liked on YouTube: “Cut For Time: Christmas at Nana’s – SNL”
NASA Releases New High-Res Earthrise Image
NASA Releases New High-Res Earthrise Image
“NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured a unique view of Earth from the spacecraft’s vantage point in orbit around the moon. ” – My Comments :