Liked on YouTube: “Sci Fi Mixtape”
Jedi & Emails Why can’t you email a photo to a Jedi? …. Because attachments…
Jedi & Emails Why can’t you email a photo to a Jedi? …. Because attachments…
“Jedi & Emails Why can’t you email a photo to a Jedi? …. Because attachments are forbidden (Source: #StarWars #Jedi #ObiWanKenobi – Raymond Mendiola IV – Google+ ” – My Comments :
Download the first level of DOOM for free this week only
Download the first level of DOOM for free this week only
“Bethesda and id Software are so proud about the universal praise that DOOM has received, that it is prepared to put out a "shareware” demo. “ – My Comments : Sweet! Doom was so awesome when it came out. I think it was one of the first multiple-3.5” disc installs; Pete, I think I “borrowed” yours…
Liked on YouTube: “Aerial Refueling B-1 Bomber & A-10 Warthogs Over SW Asia”
Liked on YouTube: “Patience – 4k timelapse movie”
“Weird Al” is Releasing a Box Set Inside an Accordian | Nerdist
“Weird Al” is Releasing a Box Set Inside an Accordian | Nerdist
“Sometimes we all have those days where even folks like Ezekiel think our minds are gone. Like that night Santa went crazy, or that time I lost in Jeopardy, or like days when "Weird Al” announces that his comprehensive, 15-album box set is going to be housed inside a replica of his accordion. Assumin… “ – My Comments : Want.
Liked on YouTube: “Is SIMPSONWAVE a joke?”
Simpsonwave is the chill summer soundtrack you didn’t know you needed
Simpsonwave is the chill summer soundtrack you didn’t know you needed
“Every fall, my music habits change. I ditch the faster pop-punk and rock for slower, more contemplative music. When spring rolls around, though, I stash the sappy crap and get right back into the… ” – My Comments : Hmmm… Not sold on this yet, but will investigate. There’s certainly a lot of Simpsonwave videos out there…
Actor Alan Ruck reveals why Cameron Frye, a teenager from Chicago, was a Red Wings fan in…
Actor Alan Ruck reveals why Cameron Frye, a teenager from Chicago, was a Red Wings fan in…
“5 points and 1 comments so far on reddit ” – My Comments :
At Times Like This, We Need To Pull Ourselves Up, Hold Our Loved Ones Close, Block Any…
At Times Like This, We Need To Pull Ourselves Up, Hold Our Loved Ones Close, Block Any…
“By Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ” – My Comments :